Front cover 400pxWe are pleased to offer you The Word Remains: Selected Writings on the Church Year and the Christian Life by Wilhelm Löhe. Originally published under the title of Sein Zeugnis, Sein Leben, this collection of excerpts from Löhe’s extensive writing is now available for the first time in English. Read a more complete description, have a look at the Table of Contents, and find purchase information here.


“Prayer is as necessary for the soul as breathing is for the body. It is…the breath of the soul. When a body stops breathing, it is dead; a soul that does not pray is also dead. But I desire that all your souls live; therefore, it is also my desire that you breathe, that is, pray.” (p. 46)

“Nothing determines eternity but faith — not works nor suffering, not knowledge nor feelings. It is only faith that gives peace and quietness, strength and steadfastness, clarity and harmony of the soul! Running about is worthless. Whoever counts on works, feelings, or knowledge, as if they should make him holy, is lost.” (p. 44)

“It is dawning over the graves, and the cemeteries are fields in which undying hope is blooming. May we stand firm in this, may the Spirit of the Lord seal it in us when we die; and when the ground yields beneath our feet, then may we be certain of this, that we will rise again like our Lord and that, just like the criminal who was crucified next to Jesus, our souls will live with Him in paradise until the day of resurrection. May the Prince of Life in His grace grant us such faith than conquers death.” (p. 68)

“It is a hidden glory in the Christian life to practice faithfulness in little things, that is, in one’s vocation; yet it is more difficult and more glorious than martyrdom. Martyrdom is aided by an agitated time, an emotional disposition, and it is often quickly won; it only takes a brief moment. But being faithful in little things involves bearing patiently the quiet tedium of a monotonous, elapsing life to the praise of the Lord.” (p. 81)

“Therefore, take comfort: it is not all over for those who have fallen asleep in the Lord! They are merely sleeping. He who by His own death-sleep in the grave sanctified our graves as mere bedrooms stands even now at the deathbed, calling, ‘Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden!’ And when He lays them in the dust of death, He says, ‘I will give you rest!’ and ‘Here you will find rest.’ And if death is sleep, then each of the dead have the hope of resurrection.” (p. 64-65)

“Whoever belongs to the Lord confesses; he confesses before friend and foe alike. He is not ashamed of the Gospel but freely admits that he belongs to the Church, whether he be praised or ridiculed, whether he reap sorrow or joy, profit or loss.” (p. 75)