Christ the Lord-Web-600pxWe are pleased to unveil two new Christmas cards for 2014. The first card (right) features stained glass found in a local church, Faith Lutheran in Roanoke, Indiana. The words of “O Come, All Ye Faithful” appear muted in the background, with the final line of the fourth stanza boldly proclaiming, “Word of the Father now in flesh appearing!” The greeting inside continues with the refrain, “O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!”

The second design (below) is a beautiful nativity scene pictured on a Russian triptych from our own collection. A triptych has artwork divided into three panels which are hinged together and can be folded shut or displayed open. The angels in the side panels are identified in Russian as Nativity Triptych-FB-cropped-600pxMichael and Gabriel, while the text in the middle declares “the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (This is also noted on the back of the card.) The greeting inside simply states, “Glory to the newborn King,” which comes from the refrain of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”

Visit our Christmas Cards page to view all of our cards and their inside greetings. Can’t decide on one design? We now offer variety with a new assortment set.