If you’ve taken a look at the Table of Contents link for God With Us, you may be curious to know how we chose texts for the daily sermons in Advent. At Redeemer Lutheran Church, we follow the historic one-year series, and it is our custom to preach on the Gospel text for Sunday’s Divine Service. We have simply carried the theme from Sunday’s propers to the rest of the week, with the week’s Introit, Old Testament, or Epistle text forming the basis of the weekday sermon. There is also a series on the Lucan canticles: the Benedictus, the Magnificat, and the Nunc Dimittis. The remaining days of Advent are comprised of the unique Epistles and Gospels for the Wednesdays and Fridays in Advent and also the saints’ days that fall in December. Thereafter come sermons for the twelve days of Christmas, Sundays in Epiphany up to the Transfiguration, and other saints’ days that fall in January and February.
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- Adoremus
- Advent
- Baier-Walther
- Book of Concord
- Book review
- Brotherhood Prayer Book
- Ceremony and Celebration
- Christmas cards
- Didache
- Downloads
- Easter
- EP Cards
- Exodus
- Explanation of the Common Service
- Four Evangelists
- God With Us
- Great Works of God
- He Remembers the Barren
- He Restores My Soul
- Housekeeping
- Issues Etc.
- Katie Schuermann
- Kelly Klages
- Kindle
- Latin
- Lent
- Liber Hymnorum
- Loehe
- Matthew Carver
- Motherhood Prayers
- Nativity
- O Antiphons
- Paul H.D. Lang
- Petersen
- Pless
- Redeemer
- Reviews
- Riojas
- Seed Grains of Prayer
- Six Chief Parts card
- The Word Remains
- Thy Kingdom Come
- Valerius Herberger
- Wilhelm Löhe