
“Righteous God, turn my desire and thoughts, that I may fear and serve Thee in love with all my soul. Sanctify me wholly, and turn away from me all that is not purely Thine. So sink my life in Thyself that my will may ever yield to Thine, to be governed by Thee; for neither mine own nor the help of any creature can give me counsel. Grant that I neither fall into nor remain in sin. Quench my thirst for things temporal. Uproot in me all self-love and selfishness. Banish evil passions and covetous desires. Destroy all lusting and cleaving unto the things of this world. Gather my soul unto Thee, and retain in me a pure and peaceful conscience unto my latest breath. Praise, glory, wisdom, thanks, honor, power, and majesty be unto thee, O God, forevermore. Amen.”

Wilhelm Loehe, Seed Grains of Prayer, #200