A burst of orders several months ago caused Didache to suddenly sell out. We are pleased to announce that (after patiently waiting during these ubiquitous delays and shortages) it is back in stock! Find more details here.
“The Catechism confesses that the benefits of faithful eating and drinking in the Sacrament are the ‘forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation’ given us through our Lord’s words. The forgiveness of sins is the primary gift which God bestows in the Supper and is the foundation for life and salvation. Forgiveness of sins is the content of the New Testament. The word ‘testament’ indicates that a death is necessary. The death of the one who makes the testament is necessary for the testament to take effect. Jesus’ death is the energy unleashed in the Lord’s Supper. A testament also indicates heirs and inheritance. In this testament, ‘given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins’ indicates that we are heirs and that the inheritance is the forgiveness of sins won by Jesus’ atoning death as a sacrifice in our place.”
-John T. Pless in Didache, a book that instructs in a basic pattern of catechesis which recognizes that doctrine is drawn from the Holy Scriptures, confessed in Luther’s Small Catechism, and expressed in the hymnal. Suitable for group or individual study.