“Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast commanded to search the Scriptures and promised that in them we have the impulse of faith, and life everlasting; Who alone art worthy to open and break the sevenfold seals of this Book; open now mine eyes to behold the wonders of Thy law. Show me the paths of righteousness, that I continue therein unto the end. From heaven above, pour out Thy Holy Spirit upon me, and from Thy throne of glory send Him to be with me; to work in me that I learn to know what is well pleasing to Thee; to do all my labor in Thy name, unto Thy glory; and to fill my heart with true faith, love, hope, humility, long-suffering, fear, and blessedness in the Lord. Amen.”

Wilhelm Loehe, Seed Grains of Prayer, #16  (on sale through August 20)