didache-gridToday is Small Business Saturday, which started several years ago as a sort of counterpart to Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The idea is to encourage people across the country to shop at local, small businesses. Well, Fort Wayne may not be local for you, but we are definitely a small business, and we greatly appreciate all of our customers! To show our appreciation, we are offering a special one-day promotion. Until midnight tonight, you will earn $5 for every $25 you spend.*

Maybe you’ve had your eye on Ceremony and Celebration as a resource on Lutheran liturgical worship, or Didache, which teaches doctrine using the Holy Scriptures, Luther’s Small Catechism, and the hymnal. Or perhaps you’re looking for Christmas cards that combine beauty with substance.

Whether you’re shopping for yourself or for a gift, browse around our selection of books and greeting cards, and earn $5 for every $25 you spend.

*Total used to figure gift certificate excludes shipping. Gift certificate may only be used in a future order.