didache-cover-300“The fact that God is our Father through His Son, Jesus Christ, shapes how we pray. The Small Catechism’s explanation of the Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer picks up on two words from Ephesians 3:12 — boldness and confidence. Christian prayer is anchored in the truth of the Father’s love given us in His Son. Therefore, we may approach our Father with all boldness and confidence just ‘as dear children ask their dear father.'” (p. 31)

“As the Scriptures carry the Lord’s own authority, they are powerful for accomplishing His own purpose, namely, creating in our hearts saving faith in Jesus Christ. That is what Paul means when he says that the Scriptures are ‘able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus’ (2 Tim. 3:15). Here we see the gracious and effective power that God has invested in His Word. The Word of God creates faith. This is a miracle on par with the creation of the universe; even as God created the heavens and the earth by His mighty Word, by that same Word He creates faith. His Word accomplishes His purpose.” (p. 3)

-John T. Pless in Didache, 15% off during Lent (see sale details below)