We are pleased to introduce two new Christmas cards this year! This brings the total to 11 designs exclusive to Emmanuel Press.

The first card, Savior (right), shows the infant Christ standing on the lap of the Virgin Mary, who gently receives her child’s embrace. We see St. Joseph through the archway. This 17th-century painting by Italian artist Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato is a tender portrayal of the bond between mother and son. Yet this Son is the Savior of the world, as is echoed in the inside greeting: “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21).

The second card, Nativity Triptych (below), is an update of a previous design, now featuring a festive but subtly textured background. This beautiful nativity scene comes from a Russian triptych in our own collection. A triptych is divided into three panels which are hinged together and can be folded shut or displayed open. The angels in the side panels are identified in Russian as Michael and Gabriel, while the text in the middle declares “the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (There is a note on the back of the card with this translation.) The greeting inside proclaims, “Glory to the newborn King!” which comes from the refrain of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”

Visit our Christmas card page to create a custom assortment of Christmas cards. Choose from a variety of styles, including stained glass, illumination, triptych, classic art, and original commissioned pieces.