Radio interviews, book signings, and more!

If you follow us on Facebook, you’ve likely noticed a series of KFUO interviews with many of the authors from He Restores My Soul. There are currently eight 15-minute interviews posted, with two new interviews added each week through the end of October. Be sure...

He Restores My Soul to release on September 28

We are pleased to announce that He Restores My Soul, edited by Katie Schuermann, will be available sooner than expected – on Friday, September 28! This means that, as of today, there are 10 days left to pre-order and save 10%. Learn more about the authors and...

10% off both Schuermann books

He Restores My Soul is scheduled for release in early October! In the meantime, there’s plenty to explore. Check out the full listing of authors and chapter topics here; there are links at the bottom of that page connecting you to details about the cover artist...