A Saturday Evening Prayer

“Almighty God, holy and merciful Father, who in six days didst create heaven and earth, and all that is in them, and didst rest on the seventh day, grant Thy grace unto me, Thy servant, that in true faith I may partake of the rest which Jesus Christ, Thy Son,...

Unveiling the book cover: He Restores My Soul

For the cover of He Restores My Soul, Katie Schuermann and Emmanuel Press commissioned an original work of art from Rebecca Shewmaker. While we gathered together ideas and expressed our vision to Rebecca, it was her artistic talent and theological understanding that...

A Hymn for the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Audio: Listen to A Hymn for the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist chanted. 1. Let the example of Saint John remind us, Ere we can meetly sing his deeds of wonder, Hearts must be chastened, And the bonds that bind us broken asunder! 2. Lo! a swift angel, from the...

Weedon endorses The Great Works of God: Exodus

And just when you thought that the great works of God couldn’t get any greater after you’ve had the joy of Jesus all through his read of Genesis, Valerius Herberger marches into Exodus, and it’s more Jesus under every bush. Well, in every bush that burns and is not...