A comment from Dr. Beverly Yahnke of Doxology

Dr. Beverly Yahnke, executive co-director of Doxology, regarding Katie Schuermann’s work and writing on barrenness: “I believe that she has done some important work to facilitate a conversation which is too often whispered with guilt and shame and too rarely...

Dcs. Rose Adle endorses He Remembers the Barren

“In the second edition of He Remembers The Barren, we are blessed to receive the same compassion and care of the first edition, along with a considerable infusion of courage. Katie Schuermann takes up new, challenging topics with careful attention and firm...

Summer Reading Sale – up to 25% off

What’s on your reading list for this summer? Add some theological meat to your list by taking advantage of our latest sale! All books are up to 25% off through June 3. Be sure to search for excerpts on the right sidebar and check out our updated Reviews and...

The Word Remains: Now available on Kindle

The Word Remains: Selected Writings on the Church Year and the Christian Life by Wilhelm Löhe is now available on Amazon, in both paperback and Kindle eBook formats. This is especially good news for our international customers, due to Amazon’s global reach. If...