The Brotherhood Prayer Book: New Music for Advent 2

Last week, we introduced new music for The Brotherhood Prayer Book for Advent 1. Now, we are pleased to make this newly composed and newly recorded music available for Advent 2. Using Reformation-era resources, Mr. Matthew Carver composed antiphons for the Benedictus...

The Brotherhood Prayer Book: New Music for Advent 1

While there are more than 450 mp3 files available on The Brotherhood Prayer Book CD, there still remain propers without musical composition and yet to be recorded. Now, we are pleased to make available newly composed and newly recorded propers for Advent. Using...

God With Us: How we developed the lectionary

If you’ve taken a look at the Table of Contents link for God With Us, you may be curious to know how we chose texts for the daily sermons in Advent. At Redeemer Lutheran Church, we follow the historic one-year series, and it is our custom to preach on the Gospel...

New free download!

Click on the Downloads tab above to find a new download of Church Father excerpts formatted as bulletin inserts for Advent 1 through Epiphany 6. *Be sure to take a look at our 5 day promotion in the post below. Earn $5 for every $25 spent!