The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 18

“O Adonai, and Leader of the house of Israel, who appearedst in the bush to Moses in a flame of fire, and gavest him the Law in Sinai : Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm.” December 18: O Adonai The Magnificat *Chanted by Pr. Sean Daenzer to the...

The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 17

The O Antiphons are historic antiphons designated for the Magnificat, which is the traditional canticle for Vespers. There are seven O Antiphons, sung on the seven Vespers leading up to December 24th: December 17: O Wisdom December 18: O Adonai December 19: O Root of...

Brotherhood Prayer Book Advent Vespers on Livestream

This past Saturday, December 14, we hosted a Brotherhood Prayer Book Vespers at Redeemer Lutheran Church here in Fort Wayne. There was an instruction period beforehand to go over the structure of the Brotherhood Prayer Book, teach the basics of Gregorian chant, and...

Review of Didache on Brothers of John the Steadfast

“Catechesis integrating the Small Catechism with the Liturgy: Didache by Prof. John Pless” Written by Pastor Joshua Scheer, originally published at Brothers of John the Steadfast on Dec. 4, 2013. It seems like pastors are always looking for some ways in...