A New Card + Spring Sale – up to 30% off

With call services just over a week away for our seminarians in Fort Wayne and St. Louis, it is the perfect time to debut our new Office of the Holy Ministry greeting card. You may recognize this artwork from the cover of Ceremony and Celebration, where it is embossed...

The Search is On: Artwork for our 2013 Christmas Cards

It may still be Easter, but it’s time for us to begin the search for Christmas card art. In the past few years, we have created cards with frescos from a German cathedral and oil paintings by Ed Riojas. This year we’re looking for new artwork featuring our...

Antiphon for Psalm 51 for the Triduum

Beginning on Maundy Thursday, there is a special antiphon for Psalm 51, which is sung quietly after each Canticle at Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline during the Triduum. Each day, the length of the antiphon expands until it is at its fullest on Holy...