Solemn Vespers for the Free Conference at Redeemer

For those of you who will be attending the conference at Redeemer on January 21, on Monday before the Symposia, here is the bulletin for Solemn Vespers, developed from The Brotherhood Prayer Book. We are making this available in advance so that you may prepare and...

Thy Kingdom Come: An Excerpt from Ascension

“God’s will is constant. Fallen men need a preaching of repentance, an exposure of our complicity and selfishness, a warning of impending death, and an invitation. You are not God. You do not make the rules. You have not behaved in ways honorable or just or...

Katie Schuermann reviews Thy Kingdom Come

Katie Schuermann, of He Remembers the Barren, relates how her morning run was stopped dead in its tracks while listening to an Issues Etc. podcast which reviewed a sermon by Pr. Petersen: “I noticed that I had slowed down. In fact, I was standing still on the...

Last Day to Pre-Order Thy Kingdom Come

Tomorrow is the official release date for Thy Kingdom Come, which makes today the last day to pre-order a signed copy! Of course, if you live in or near Fort Wayne or if you’re coming to the Symposia, there will be other chances to have Pr. Petersen sign your...