Update on Future Projects: Books and Cards

As we mentioned several weeks ago, we are putting the final touches on two new Christmas cards with art by Edward Riojas. These cards will be available for sale in mid-November. Do you or your organization send out a lot of Christmas cards? We have had multiple...

An Explanation of the Common Service: The Benediction

The Benediction The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. __________ What is the Benediction? It is the final blessing of the people,...

Seed-Grains of Prayer: Prayer for Saturday Evening

“Heavenly Father, I praise Thee that, by Thy grace, I have been permitted to put another week of trials behind me, and have not been cast away in my sins together with the godless. O Lord, my God, Who ordainest and changest times and seasons, change also my...