Weedon endorses Liturgical Forms

“If Matthew Carver’s translation of Friedrich Lochner’s The Chief Divine Service left you hungering and thirsting for more goodies in English from that finest liturgiologist of the early Missouri Synod, the volume you hold in your hands now will certainly...

Now Available: Liturgical Forms by Friedrich Lochner

Liturgical Forms represents the latest stage in bringing Friedrich Lochner’s works into English, which was begun by Matthew Carver’s translation of The Chief Divine Service (2020). It shows the other facets of the liturgical life of the early Missouri Synod and...
Back in stock….and not just for the altar guild

Back in stock….and not just for the altar guild

“The service which the altar guild can render is valuable as an aid to extol the beauty and greatness of God and to awaken the response of His people in all forms of beauty, care, and reverence. Beauty in the church is not a matter of indifference….Why do...

“…for he will save his people from their sins.”

Share the good news of our Savior’s birth with Christmas cards that combine stunning imagery with words of Scripture and beloved hymns. Savior (left) shows the infant Christ standing on the lap of the Virgin Mary, who gently receives her child’s embrace. We see St....