Seed-Grains of Prayer: Christmas

“Almighty God, we bless Thee that Thou hast had compassion upon our miserable estate, and for us hast given Thine only begotten Son to become Man.  We beseech Thee, graciously enlighten our hearts rightly to apprehend this comfort; to enjoy the same in every...

There’s still time!

It’s not too late to order Christmas cards.  This week we will ship all cards via Priority Mail within 24 hours of your order.

Advent Sale: All Books 20% off

Looking for a unique Christmas gift, or perhaps something for yourself?  All of our books, as well as The Brotherhood Prayer Book CD, are 20% off until December 24, 2011.

Seed-Grains of Prayer: Wednesday Evening Prayer

“Almighty and most gracious God, I give thanks unto Thee that Thou hast this day so graciously guarded me from all evil and danger in body and soul. By Thy divine grace, I beseech Thee, cover over all sins I have this day committed in thought or word, and...

Seed-Grains of Prayer: Saturday Evening Prayer

“In the name of Him with Whom I began this day and this now passing week, let me also end the same.  Lord God, Father of my life, save me.  Lord God, the Son, my Savior, defend me.  Lord God, the Holy Ghost, preserve me that mine eyes close not in the sleep of...