Introducing…..EP Cards

Since the inception of Emmanuel Press in 2004, we have offered a variety of books with the goal of “making treasures of Christian literature from the past and present, especially from within the Evangelical Lutheran Church, available to the world.”  We have been...

Seed-Grains of Prayer: Prayer After Receiving Absolution

“Almighty, Everlasting God, we have sinned against Thee in many ways, and for our sins have merited eternal condemnation; yet, since we believe that Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, has wrought out for us the forgiveness of our sins and eternal salvation...

Seed-Grains of Prayer: At the Passing of the Week

“Merciful God and Father, most heartily do I thank Thee that by Thy grace I have been permitted to pass through another week, approaching a few days nearer the hour of death.  With heartfelt sorrow I confess unto Thee that in the past week I have manifoldly...