Two-Day Pre-Lent Sale – up to 30% off

Two-Day Pre-Lent Sale – up to 30% off

Select books are up to 30% off today (2/15) and tomorrow (2/16). *Prof. John Pless’s Didache uses the Bible, Luther’s Small Catechism, and the hymnal to instruct in a basic pattern of catechesis which expounds upon doctrine, liturgy, and vocation. Many pastors find it...

A Sermon for the Fourth Day of Christmas: Holy Innocents

From God With Us by Pr. David H. Petersen.  He came unto His own. His own received Him not. It is not merely wicked Herod. It is all of Jerusalem that rejects Him, for all of Jerusalem is deeply troubled at the coming of the wise men from the East. The wise men want...

The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphons

The O Antiphons are historic antiphons designated for the Magnificat, which is the traditional canticle for Vespers. There are seven O Antiphons, sung on the seven Vespers leading up to December 24th. Seven years ago, we asked Pr. Sean Daenzer to record these...

These Christmas cards remain…

After an avalanche of Christmas card orders, these are the designs that we still have in stock. Have a closer look, see the inside, and find purchase information on our Christmas cards page.