Paperback, 109 pp., 6″ x 9″, 2025
ISBN 978-1-934328-29-3
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was Kantor of St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany, when he led the first performance of his St. John Passion as part of the Good Friday Vespers in 1724. Three hundred years later, Bach’s poetic and musical illumination of the Gospel text is an enduring confession that Christ is glorified in His Passion, proclaiming victory over sin and death.
In O Perfect Life of Love, author Brian J. Hamer places the forty movements of the St. John Passion as a literary and musical stencil over the forty weekdays of Lent to create a daily listening lectionary. Both the German and English texts are provided to aid in listening, followed by a devotional meditation in which Hamer offers historical, musical, and theological commentary. This careful and deliberate approach to Bach’s masterwork will edify your Lenten piety as you behold the life-giving cross, on which was hung the salvation of the world.
Brian J. Hamer, M.Mus., M.Div., is a pastor of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and an active-duty Navy Chaplain. In addition to his experience in conducting and singing in choirs on both coasts, he writes and edits for a wide variety of publishers on theology, culture, and the arts. Brian has been married to Jennifer since 1997. They are blessed with two daughters, Kaitlyn and Emma. Wherever they drop their anchor is home.