The Brotherhood Prayer Book: Audio Download
Replacing the MP3 CD previously available for purchase, we now offer as a free download 454 tracks (nearly 16 hours) of chants from The Brotherhood Prayer Book.
In 2005, Rev. Dr. Benjamin T.G. Mayes recorded these chants merely for instructional purposes; these are not professional-quality recordings. While these files contain all of the music from the first edition of the BPB, and thus not everything represented in the second edition, this will provide an excellent foundation for singing Reformation Gregorian chant.
Zip files:
The Ordinary, Alleluia Antiphons, and Canticles
Psalms 1 – 75
Psalms 76 – 150
Weekday Propers
Seasonal Hymns and Versicles
Other helpful downloads:
Introduction to the Chants
How to Accent and Sing the Psalm
Introduction to the Daily Offices
Beichtspiegel – Compiled in 2003, this “confession mirror” aids in self-examination for private confession and absolution.
Daily Prayer Books in the History of German and American Lutheranism