Wire O binding, 130 pp., 11″ x 8.5″, 2014
ISBN 978-1-934328-10-1
Originally published in 1964, this reprint of Rev. Paul H.D. Lang’s What an Altar Guild Should Know gives detailed descriptions, diagrams, and visual aids related to church services and rubrics; liturgical terms; the church building; the altar and its ornaments; the chancel, baptistry, and sacristies; the sacred vessels; paraments; the sacred linens; vestments; use of lights in the church; the church year and liturgical colors; the use of flowers in the church; and Christian symbols.
“This handbook was written to give information, guidance, and inspiration to altar guilds….To organize an altar guild is not difficult, but to teach those who have become members of the guild what they should know is not so easy. That is why a book on what an altar guild should know is desirable. It should help new members learn the basic things that are required of them, and it should serve to improve the work of experienced members and help them assist those who are just beginning. For all members of the guild, new and old, as well as for pastors, it should be helpful as a constant handbook for ready reference and guidance.” (Preface)