“We preach Christ crucified”

“We do not put a statue of a baby in the manger because we think that Jesus is still in the manger. We put a statue in the manger to remember that Jesus was a baby, that He took up our flesh and our burden. An empty manger just won’t do. The fact that God has a body,...
Custom Imprinting on Christmas Cards

Custom Imprinting on Christmas Cards

Emmanuel Press offers custom imprinting for bulk orders of Christmas cards, including customized inside greetings and return addresses on envelopes. With Christmas only three months away, now is the time to get started on your personal or business order.  Contact...

Do I Need to be Fixed?

“I am thankful for my pastor and the Gospel he preaches to me: I am baptized into Christ. My value is in my Savior, not in my womb. I do not need to be fixed of my barrenness to be content in this life, nor will being a mother make me more important in the eyes...

Fall Sale: Save up to 25%

All books are up to 25% off through September 30. Be sure to search for excerpts on the right sidebar and check out our updated Reviews and Endorsements page. *The Brotherhood Prayer Book (and CD) includes services for the day (Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None,...

He Remembers the Barren is now available on Amazon

The updated and expanded second edition of He Remembers the Barren by Katie Schuermann is now available on Amazon, in both paperback and Kindle eBook formats! If you’re familiar with the first edition, you may be wonder-ing what’s different about this one....