The Word Remains: Regarding Nature

“The world is beautiful. I’ve said that to myself a thousand times as I walk through the greening meadows in the spring and listen to the song of the lark. But we Christians must be mindful not to speak of the beauty of nature with such expression, with...

Announcing….our book cover artist!

While brainstorming ideas for the new book cover for He Remembers the Barren, Second Edition by Katie Schuermann, we knew that we wanted artwork that would tell the story of suffering and grief but also of hope and comfort in Christ. To bring this idea to fruition, we...

An Excerpt from Quinquagesima Sunday

“We mourn for our sins. We have been selfish, greedy, impatient, angry, lustful, and full of pride. We have hurt ourselves and our loved ones. We have failed to serve and love our neighbors. Let us repent and set our faces toward Jerusalem. Ash Wednesday looms...

Lang on Traditional Rites and Ceremonies

“The danger of the traditional rites and ceremonies degenerating into formalism and even superstition has shown itself here and there in all ages. But the same danger is manifested in the use of nontraditional rites and ceremonies of the so-called informal...

Symposia Sale: All books up to 25% off

In honor of the annual Symposia at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne next week, all of our books are on sale through Saturday, January 21! And if you’re planning to come, please note that there will not be an Emmanuel Press table at the Symposia next...