A quick note about purchasing Liber Hymnorum

Today we received word from our printer that Liber Hymnorum is ready! We’re heading to Ohio tomorrow to pick up the books so that we can have them available at the “Lutheranism and the Classics” conference in Fort Wayne. This has really been down to...

How would Liber Hymnorum be used devotionally?

“Liber Hymnorum is arranged according to the church year, with the ‘de tempore’ (times and seasons) in the front and ‘de sancto’ (saints and festivals) in the back of each section. This makes use in home or church fairly simple and...

More details about Liber Hymnorum

We are still finalizing the release date for Liber Hymnorum, but we do have a few more details to share. It is a hardcover book, 342 pages, 6″ x 9″, selling for $35.00. Over the course of the next week, we plan to provide excerpts, more of the interview...

A Review of The Word Remains — Pr. Todd Peperkorn

Pr. Todd Peperkorn has posted a review of our new book, The Word Remains by Wilhelm Löhe, on his blog. Here’s an excerpt, but be sure to visit his website and read the entire thing: “In this little volume the reader will find that nearly every sentence...

Now Available: The Word Remains by Wilhelm Löhe

We are pleased to offer you The Word Remains: Selected Writings on the Church Year and the Christian Life by Wilhelm Löhe. Originally published under the title of Sein Zeugnis, Sein Leben, this collection of excerpts from Löhe’s extensive writing is now available for...