“Perhaps the matter would be clearer if we hadn’t abandoned the use of gift language in the body of Christ. Rarely do we talk about children as God defines them in the Bible, using His words of ‘gift, heritage, fruit, blessing, reward.’ Instead, we refer to children as the world does, adopting cultural phrases like ‘birth control, family planning, baby machine, reproduction, fertility science.’ By our language alone, we suggest to each other that children are a commodity to be planned for and controlled. This control language is a waste of breath in the church because it isn’t true. It isn’t God’s language. It doesn’t come from His Word. It is something we humans have made up in an attempt to explain and define and harness that which remains mysterious and untamed, and control language falls short every time.”

“Sisters, we can waste such precious time in this life staring into a mirror. We can study our flesh until we have our faults and flaws memorized, but we end up learning nothing and going nowhere. Instead, we wander aimlessly down a long, winding path of navel-gazing where even the best and strongest of navigators can get lost. When you spend the whole of your journey looking at yourself, you miss the road signs that clearly mark your way. Are you a baptized child of God? Then you have put on Christ, and your Savior is perfect and holy for you. When God looks at you, He sees the redemptive work of His Son, and there lies your worth. We must pull our gaze from ourselves and look to the cross. In Christ’s suffering and glory, we will find the answers, though the questions we ask will be different.”

-excerpts from Katie Schuermann’s He Remembers the Barren: Second Edition