One of the highlights of The Brotherhood Prayer Book is the Beichtspiegel (confessional mirror), which is available as a free download here on our website. It is a helpful tool for reflection and self-examination in preparation for private confession and absolution or for the Divine Service. Dr. Benjamin Mayes and Pr. Michael Frese compiled this Beichtspiegel from the writings of the best American and German Lutheran father-confessors.
Introduction to the Beichtspiegel (confession mirror): Luther describes God as that to which we look for the greatest and highest good. From the time of the fall in the Garden of Eden, people have been constantly tempted to look inward for that good. Our selfish search for good within ourselves is the temptation of the old Adam in us. The Ten Commandments address this “self”-ish issue directly. We do not fear, love, and trust God above all things. On this earth we struggle against looking inward toward ourselves. In the questions below the common theme of selfishness is interwoven throughout. This constant breaking of the first commandment is a life-long struggle for Christians. No matter which of commandments 2-10 that you break, it is always an assault on having none other than God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the center of our trust (faith). In the Ten Commandments there is a vertical relationship (we and God) and there is a horizontal relationship (we and our neighbors). The first table (Commandments 1-3) shows the vertical relationship, and the second table (Commandments 4-10) shows the horizontal. Even in the breaking of the horizontal relationships we are offending against the vertical because God has called us to live in harmony and love with our neighbor.
The Small Catechism urges us to consider our place in life according to the Ten Commandments. The Commandments act as a mirror to reflect our sinful thoughts, words, and deeds. This honest reflection, on account of God’s holy Word working in us, will bear the fruit of repentance.