Lower prices on select paperbacks
We have permanently lowered the prices of several of our paperbacks by up to 20%! Have a look:
An Explanation of the Common Service
God With Us by David H. Petersen
He Remembers the Barren by Katie Schuermann
Seed-Grains of Prayer by Wilhelm Loehe
Thy Kingdom Come by David H. Petersen
What an Altar Guild Should Know by Paul H.D. Lang
The Word Remains by Wilhelm Loehe
He Restores My Soul: A new book about God’s promises amidst suffering
Author Katie Schuermann is known for giving voice to the shame of barrenness and Christ’s sure comfort amidst suffering in her book, He Remembers the Barren. Readers often comment in person and in reviews that her compassionate, honest insight into suffering and stress resonated with them, even beyond the subject of barrenness:
“[Schuermann] encourages her readers to lament without falling into self-pity, to be honest with God about their pain, and to look to the promises that He has given in His Son.”
“This book has opened my eyes to the suffering many women experience and how the grace of God answers their pain, not with explanations, but with hope.”
Now, Katie Schuermann is collaborating with Emmanuel Press and a host of experienced female writers to broaden the discussion of suffering in the Church and apply the theology of the cross to a wider range of topics in He Restores My Soul, a new book set to release in October of 2018.
Utilizing the timeless, rich comfort permeating Psalm 23, He Restores My Soul offers empathy and encouragement to the cross-bearing Christian woman. Never indulging in contemporary self-help rhetoric, Schuermann and friends persist in pointing the reader to a firm trust in God’s promises found in His Word and a resounding joy in God’s mysterious work of conforming us “to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29).
Various topics addressed within the pages of He Restores My Soul include living the Christian faith in the public arena, carrying a child in the womb who is not expected to live, mothering while working, regretting an abortion, struggling against same-sex attraction, caring for aging parents, children leaving the faith, living with mental illness, suffering from depression and chronic diseases, and raising children apart from one’s own upbringing.
Follow along as we release more information about the book’s topics, participating authors, and excerpts by signing up for email updates on the right sidebar or by liking Emmanuel Press and Katie Schuermann on Facebook.
Thy Kingdom Come: An Excerpt from Maundy Thursday
“The fruit of the tree is on the paten and in the chalice. The angel of death passes over. He has no claim upon us. We belong to God. We bear His watery name. We eat at His table. We are His people and more. We are not merely guests, sojourners in His house for but an hour, but we are members of the royal family raised up from stones. We are not Gentile dogs hoping for crumbs, worshiping what we do not know. We, by grace, are the Lord’s own beloved and immaculate bride. We belong to God. We are baptized. We eat at His table. We are gathered under the protecting shadow of the cross.”
-David H. Petersen in Thy Kingdom Come
Excerpts from He Remembers the Barren, Second Edition
“Perhaps the matter would be clearer if we hadn’t abandoned the use of gift language in the body of Christ. Rarely do we talk about children as God defines them in the Bible, using His words of ‘gift, heritage, fruit, blessing, reward.’ Instead, we refer to children as the world does, adopting cultural phrases like ‘birth control, family planning, baby machine, reproduction, fertility science.’ By our language alone, we suggest to each other that children are a commodity to be planned for and controlled. This control language is a waste of breath in the church because it isn’t true. It isn’t God’s language. It doesn’t come from His Word. It is something we humans have made up in an attempt to explain and define and harness that which remains mysterious and untamed, and control language falls short every time.”
“Sisters, we can waste such precious time in this life staring into a mirror. We can study our flesh until we have our faults and flaws memorized, but we end up learning nothing and going nowhere. Instead, we wander aimlessly down a long, winding path of navel-gazing where even the best and strongest of navigators can get lost. When you spend the whole of your journey looking at yourself, you miss the road signs that clearly mark your way. Are you a baptized child of God? Then you have put on Christ, and your Savior is perfect and holy for you. When God looks at you, He sees the redemptive work of His Son, and there lies your worth. We must pull our gaze from ourselves and look to the cross. In Christ’s suffering and glory, we will find the answers, though the questions we ask will be different.”
-excerpts from Katie Schuermann’s He Remembers the Barren: Second Edition
New free download: Starck’s Motherhood Prayers
Starck’s Motherhood Prayers offers comforting prayers for expectant and new mothers. Written in German in the 18th century by Lutheran pastor Johann Friedrich Starck (as part of the larger volume, Starck’s Prayer Book), this book is now available as a free download here on our website.
As Rebekah Curtis describes in her thoughtful review, “The book is set up as a series of exhortations, prayers, and hymns. It begins with a general devotion and goes on to cover different angles on parturition such as The Woman With Child Reflects on Her God-Pleasing State; Commends Herself and Her Child To God; Thanks God For Her Fruitfulness; Takes Comfort in the Thought That God Will Help Her; etc. Next is a long section of Meditations for Labor, including Scripture, prayers and ‘sighings.’ Then there are meditations for confinement, including prayers for the child at its baptism, the woman’s churching, the weaning of the child, etc.” As Curtis further explains in the Introduction to Emmanuel Press’s edition, the Motherhood Prayers “will teach you how to speak God’s own Word back to Him, which is the truest, most edifying prayer. They will comfort you as you pray them because they are saturated with that Word, which is God’s gift to us.”
It is inevitable that one may question the relevance of such prayers, written in antiquated language for a woman many generations before. Yet through the beauty of carefully-crafted meditations interwoven with Scripture and hymns, Starck reminds all of us –not only expectant mothers – that children are not merely a product of nature but are a gift from God Himself. All who believe that life begins at conception will benefit from these prayers, marvel at the miracle of life, and be strengthened to support and encourage other women, whether they be our daughters, sisters, friends, or family. What a treasure for an expectant mother during her time of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the enigmatic haze of the weeks to follow.
These prayers help give voice to a mother’s faith when her own words falter, when she needs to hear that God will grant her peace and perseverance and will not abandon her in her hour of pain and sleeplessness. It is no coincidence that the longest portion of prayers in this book is for women in labor, an especially trying time when words of comfort and mercy are most needed. Starck reminds us that it is God in His mercy and grace who permits a mother to rise in good health in the morning, to keep her mind upon Him throughout the day, and to commend herself and the fruit of her womb to God at every hour of the day.
Thy Kingdom Come: Now 20% off!
An excerpt from Septuagesima: “God isn’t like you. He doesn’t think the way you think. His ways are not your ways. And He doesn’t owe you, or anyone, anything. For reasons all His own, however, He loves and welcomes you into His kingdom—not for free, but for the bloody, torturous death of His beloved Son. This is the essence of the Gospel: The Lord rewards those who don’t deserve it. He loves those who hate and abuse Him. He gives gifts to those who steal from Him. He is generous, merciful, and good despite you. If that doesn’t send a tingle down your spine, and you haven’t just lost a baby or your mother, shame on you. The Gospel doesn’t promise an emotional reaction, but it almost always gives it. The Bible calls that emotion joy.”
-David H. Petersen in Thy Kingdom Come, now 20% off
Pre-Lent begins with Septuagesima, which is only 4 days away! With over sixty sermons spanning Pre-Lent, all forty days of Lent, and the Sundays after Easter, this book serves as an excellent daily devotion for both pastors and parishioners. Use the word cloud in the right sidebar to find more excerpts and also have a look at our reviews.
New: TLH Module for Lutheran Service Builder
The Lutheran Hymnal (TLH) contains 312 hymns that are not found in Lutheran Service Book (LSB). Now, the TLH hymns that are in the public domain (282) are available as a free download to be used within Lutheran Service Builder to create your worship bulletin.
If you already use Builder to produce your bulletins, then simply download the TLH Module below. If you are not familiar with Lutheran Service Builder by Concordia Publishing House, visit their website to learn more.
This new download was created by Pastor Evan Scamman. Find his contact information in the following PDF if you have any questions.
TLH Module –Installation Instructions-new
TLH Module for Lutheran Service Builder New Zip File
Get a Giclée Print of “Barren”
Looking for a Christmas gift idea? There’s still time to get a giclée print of Ed Riojas’ cover artwork from He Remembers the Barren. Giclée prints are the archival standard used by museums and galleries to reproduce fine art. Images are printed on Hahnemuehle fine art paper and are signed by the artist. The sizes listed below are image sizes, and there is extra white space all around to aid in framing. Once you place an order here on our website, we’ll forward the details to Ed, who works with a local printer to produce these beautiful prints. Read all about the symbolism here, including what the cruciform shoot represents and how the bird’s nest is tied to vocation.
14.7″ x 18″ giclée print: $80 (shipping included)
Shipping and handling included in the price for domestic orders only. International customers: please contact us for a custom shipping quote. Prints are mailed via insured Priority mail. Estimated arrival time is 7 days.
Advent Gregorian Chant Vespers – December 10
Join us for a Gregorian Chant Vespers from The Brotherhood Prayer Book on Sunday, December 10, 2017. It will take place at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and we’re planning to live-stream it for those of you who want to follow along at home.
The evening will begin at 4:00 pm with a presentation on “The Liturgy of the Hours in Advent and Christmastide” by Dr. Benjamin Mayes. Vespers will follow at 5:00 pm. Afterwards, we plan to head to a local restaurant for dinner to round out the evening.
The Brotherhood Prayer Book: Hymn for Advent 1
Audio: Listen to Hymn for Advent 1 chanted.
Creator of the stars of night,
Thy people’s everlasting light,
Jesus, Redeemer, save us all,
Hear Thou Thy servants when they call.
Thou, sorrowing at the helpless cry
Of all creation doomed to die,
Didst save our lost and guilty race
By healing gifts of heavenly grace.
Thou cam’st, the Bridegroom of the bride,
As drew the world to eventide;
Proceeding from a virgin shrine,
The spotless Victim all divine.
At Thy great Name, exalted now,
All knees in lowly homage bow;
All things in heaven and earth adore,
And own Thee King for evermore.
To Thee, O Holy One, we pray,
Our Judge in that tremendous day,
Ward off, while yet we dwell below,
The weapons of our crafty foe.
To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
Laud, honor, might and glory be
From age to age eternally. Amen.
Conditor alme siderum. 7th cent., trans. by J.M. Neale
An excerpt from The Brotherhood Prayer Book