The Brotherhood Prayer Book: The Feast of the Holy Trinity


Listen to O Pater sancte chanted.

Father most holy, merciful and tender,
Jesus, our Savior, with the Father reigning,
Spirit of comfort, advocate, defender,
Light never waning;

Trinity blessed, unity unshaken,
Goodness unbounded, very God of heaven,
Light of the angels, joy of those forsaken,
Hope of all living;

Maker of all things, all thy creatures praise Thee;
All for Thy worship were and are created;
Now as we also worship Thee devoutly,
Hear Thou our voices.

Lord God Almighty, unto Thee be glory,
One in three persons, over all exalted.
Glory we offer, praise Thee and adore Thee,
Now and forever. Amen.


O Pater sancte, c. 10th centry, trans by P. Dearmer
An excerpt from The Brotherhood Prayer Book

Discount Available for Recent Call Candidates

Congratulations to the call candidates from Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne and Concordia Seminary – St. Louis! May God bless you and the congregations you will serve. If you’re looking to expand your theological library in preparation for your new vocation, we’d like to offer you a 20% discount off all of our merchandise until May 31. Peruse our collection of prayer books, liturgical instruction, catechesis materials, and ecclesiastical greeting cards. Thinking about sending out ordination invitations or stocking up on cards for pastoral correspondence? Have a look at our Office of the Holy Ministry card. And yes, even Didache, which rarely goes on sale due to its already-low price, is available to you at 20% off. Email us to place your order.

(This discount is only available to the recent call candidates from CTS or CSL.)

Free Download: Large Catechism readings as Bulletin Inserts — Holy Week

Find the bulletin inserts for Holy Week by clicking on the Downloads tab above. Earlier this month, we also added another download: a complete reading schedule for the Large Catechism (on which our bulletin inserts are based).

Also, today is the last day for the March sale! Many of our titles are up to 20% off. Browse the Books tab above for more details.

March Sale and Other News

From now through Monday, March 31, many of our books are on sale up to 20% off! And remember that larger orders of Pless’s Didache (20+ books) qualify for a bulk discount. Numerous pastors have already picked up this updated and revised Catechesis manual for their Adult Instruction and Bible Study classes, and we are pleased to be sending it out to Lutherans worldwide.

Also be sure to check out a new download created by Pr. Edward Naumann, “PRIE: Preparation through Reflective and Introspective Examination.” This tri-fold brochure is designed to help in preparation for private confession and absolution according to the Ten Commandments, similar to the Beichtspiegel found in The Brotherhood Prayer Book. Find PRIE here or click on the Downloads tab above. EASTERsmall2

Did you know that we offer an Eastertide card with artwork by Edward Riojas? This theologically rich, original artwork depicts Jesus’ victory over the grave. As the inside verse proclaims: “For the sheep the Lamb has bled, Sinless in the sinner’s stead. Christ the Lord is ris’n on high; Now He lives, no more to die. Alleluia!”



The Eve of the Nativity of our Lord

holy-family-front-220Listen to this hymn chanted.

Jesus, the Father’s only Son,
Whose death for all redemption won;
Before the worlds, of God most high
Begotten all ineffably.

The Father’s light and splendor Thou,
Their endless hope to Thee that bow;
Accept the prayers and praise today
That through the world Thy servants pay.

Salvation’s Author, call to mind
How, taking form of humankind,
Born of a Virgin undefiled,
Thou in man’s flesh becam’st a child.

Thus testifies the present day,
Through every year in long array,
That Thou, salvation’s source alone,
Proceedest from the Father’s throne.

Whence sky, and stars, and sea’s abyss,
And earth, and all that therein is,
Shall still, with laud and carol meet,
The Author of Thine advent greet.

And we who, by Thy precious blood
From sin redeemed, are marked for God,
On this the day that saw Thy birth,
Sing the new song of ransomed earth:

For that Thine advent glory be,
O Jesus, Virgin-born, to Thee;
with Father, and with Holy Ghost,
From men and from the heavenly host. Amen.


Christe, Redemptor omnium, 6th century, trans. by J.M. Neale
*An excerpt from The Brotherhood Prayer Book