“When did you ever do anything? Change the question. Do not be afraid. Look up and ask, ‘When did Christ do something?’ That is the question that leads to life. Don’t look to your works. Look to His. The Christ went to trial and was condemned by Pilate. The ironic title ‘King of the Jews’ was placed over His head, ironic because it was a false charge, but completely true. There He paid for sins that He did not commit, and which we don’t even remember, and now even He has forgotten them. He has been condemned and has died that you might get credit for works you did not perform. Turn from ‘When did we fail?’ to ‘When, O Lord, did you serve us?’ And then, ‘Where, O Lord, do you serve us?’ For He lives. And He serves in His Word and Holy Supper.”

Pr. David H. Petersen — an excerpt from his sermon on Monday of Invocabit (Matt. 25:31-46), included in his upcoming sermon book