Cover-God With Us-new cover website“Pastor Peterson preaches in a way which reveals deep study, rich knowledge and devotion, but also with a keen sharpness on our present situation. He preaches with simplicity and accuracy, zeroing in on multiple things at once, the text, the hearer, and always upon Christ….His common call to “repent” is never generic, but always pointed with a sternness that leaves you unable to wiggle out on your own. The Law is in full force, and with a brevity that is common to the prophets of old. It accuses, it instructs. The Gospel similarly is not generic, but sweet and set to the text and occasion, fully applied and delivered to ears that have heard. There is a Luther-like simplicity and exactness to his preaching. There is more than enough for both new hearer and seasoned saint to listen and inwardly digest.”   -Rev. Joshua Scheer at Brothers of John the Steadfast 

“Pastor Petersen is a faithful pastor. When he preaches, he preaches Jesus. And when he preaches Jesus, you consider your Savior in a way you hadn’t the week earlier. ‘He has laid Himself not only into a manger surrounded by dung in the cold winter air but also onto the rough wood of a cross surrounded by liars and cheats, thieves and terrorists. He has loved us to the very end.'” -Adriane Heins at Let It Stet

“Law preaching is some of the most difficult.  We preachers find it hard to speak to people the hard words of the Lord.  If for no other reason than to discover how well the Law can be preached, this volume of sermons is worthy.  We find it too easy to preach to imaginary sins or sins that do not touch close to home.  Pr. Peterson excels in laying bare the soul before the unbending gaze of the Law….And just when he has exposed my captivity to desire and my wish to pretend everything is fine, Pr. Peterson enters into with the sweet balm of the Gospel.” -Rev. Larry Peters at Pastoral Meanderings

“The book is a treasure trove for private or family devotions, as well as a solid source of homiletical material for daily chapel or Divine Services….Most importantly of all, at the center of each and every one of these sermons, leaping out triumphantly on each and every page, is Christ: Christ the incarnate, Christ the crucified, Christ the victorious, Christ the risen, Christ the Savior, Christ the coming-again. As with all good Christian preaching, this collection of sermons isn’t about pithy sayings, trenchant soundbites, insightful teaching, poetic turns of phrase, profound exegetical insight, but rather it is all, first and foremost, from Alpha to Omega, about Christ and the Gospel that He, our Emmanuel, our God With Us, bears to us in His very Body and in His Word.” -Rev. Larry Beane at Gottesdienst Online

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