“O Lord, triune God, who hast commanded Thy servants to go and baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, be present now with Thy servants in the administration of this Sacrament, and open Thy heavens as Thou openedst them over Jordan, that souls may daily be added unto Thy congregation who shall be blessed.  Rule and govern all who are present at this Baptism, that they remember that Baptism is from heaven and not of man, though it be applied by man’s hands; in order that all may be here present in reverent humility, as at a work instituted by Thee.  Maintain among us always the Sacrament of Baptism in unaltered purity.  Let nobody’s child be denied the benefits thereof; and, if at times some attain not unto Baptism, being overcome by death, comfort their parents and friends by Thy Word, that they may entertain no doubt of salvation.  Finally, since we all believe in one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, grant that we be diligent to hold the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace; and, together with all the baptized, complete our course in the oneness of the hope of our calling.  Amen.”

Wilhelm Loehe, Seed-Grains of Prayer, #328