“In the name of Him with Whom I began this day and this now passing week, let me also end the same.  Lord God, Father of my life, save me.  Lord God, the Son, my Savior, defend me.  Lord God, the Holy Ghost, preserve me that mine eyes close not in the sleep of death.  Amen.

O blessed, holy Trinity, God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, unto Thee I commend my all, body and soul, and all that is mine, and beseech Thee, send Thy holy angels to watch over me this night, to defend and save me, and keep me from the devil, so that he add no evil unto me.  Keep me in Thy pure and all-saving Word and let me not sink into the darkness of this world; but enlighten my heart to know what is good and what is evil.  Blot out all my sins which, consciously or unconsciously, I have committed against Thee during this week.  Let me begin a new life, acceptable before Thee, unto the glory of Thy name and the salvation of my soul.  Amen.”

Wilhelm Loehe, Seed-Grains of Prayer, #256