“O Lord, Almighty God, Who, in times past, didst miraculously lead Thy people Israel through a wilderness, guiding them with clouds and fire, a covering by day and a light in the night, since I must now undertake a journey in pursuit of my calling, I most heartily beseech Thee to accompany me and go before me, to lead me in the right way and in due time to bring me back in safety.  Bear me, O merciful God, dear Father, as a man bears his little son, upon all the way which I will have to go.  Protect me with Thy hand and save me from the hands of enemies.  Cause Thy holy angels to go with me, and prosper all my undertaking, that I may deal wisely, succeed in my work, and return to my home joyfully.  Preserve my going out and my coming in, from this time forth and forever.  Amen.”

Wilhelm Loehe, Seed-Grains of Prayer, #116