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With all books (and the BPB CD) up to 35% off, now is the time to add to your library or purchase a gift for a friend, family member, pastor, or seminary student. Take a look at our books using the Books tab above. The sale runs through Saturday, September 14.

Don’t know what they’d like or whether they already have it? Then consider a gift certificate from Emmanuel Press. If you order soon, there’s plenty of time for the lucky recipient to use it during our September Sale.

What we’re working on now…  We’re putting the finishing touches on two new Christmas cards and editing a revised and expanded edition of Prof. John Pless’s DIDACHE. First published in 1996, DIDACHE is, in the words of Prof. Pless, “a manual for adult catechesis using the Holy Scriptures, the Small Catechism, and the hymnal (at that time, Lutheran Worship)….I’ll bring it in sync with the Lutheran Service Book and add a few things I’ve learned from teaching Catechetics these last thirteen years at Concordia Theological Seminary.” Look for more information on these projects in the coming months!

Also, we have just a few 8″ x 10″ prints remaining from the first run of Ed Riojas’ Office of the Holy Ministry artwork. Our customers have found these to be stunning artwork for a pastor’s office as well as unique, inexpensive gifts for ordinations, installations, or other occasions.