BPB-new pictureLast week, we introduced new music for The Brotherhood Prayer Book for Advent 1. Now, we are pleased to make this newly composed and newly recorded music available for Advent 2. Using Reformation-era resources, Mr. Matthew Carver composed antiphons for the Benedictus of each week of Advent. Rev. Sean Daenzer then sang and recorded the antiphons and other propers. We thank them for their contribution to the music of the BPB!

*Please refer back to the first post for recordings of the Invitatory of the Venite, the Venite, and Responsory for Advent.

Advent 2:

Antiphon for Benedictus (p. 393); pdf of newly-composed music:

Antiphon for the Magnificat (p. 393):

Magnificat sung to Canticle Tone VIII:

Listen to a sample of how to move between the parts of the Canticle – from the Antiphon to the first verse of the Magnificat to the Gloria Patri, back to the Antiphon: