Nearly a century after the first English edition of Wilhelm Loehe’s Seed-Grains of Prayer, we are pleased to announce that this timeless treasure is now in stock and ready for online order!  Additionally, you will find this book at our display table in Upper Loehe Hall at next week’s annual Symposia at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, along with all of our other titles.  Brenda Frese, mother of our own Chaplain Michael Frese, has graciously agreed to represent Emmanuel Press at the Symposia.  This new printing of Seed-Grains of Prayer also coincides nicely with this summer’s third triennial meeting of the International Loehe Society .

Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne will once again host a free conference  on the Monday before the Symposia.  There will also be an afternoon session of learning to read and sing Gregorian chant as presented in The Brotherhood Prayer Book with Rev. Dr. Benjamin T.G. Mayes.   Books will be available for purchase there, too.

Unfortunately, we have had an unexpected delay in the printing of Starck’s Motherhood Prayers for All Occasions, so it will not be available at the Symposia, but we will be sure to announce here as soon as it is in stock.  We expect to have this resolved by the end of the month.  In the meantime, we do have a PDF download on the Starck’s Motherhood Prayers tab so that you can preview this excellent collection of prayers for expectant mothers.

We will also be offering special prices online and in Fort Wayne for two of our items in honor of the upcoming Symposia week.  The Brotherhood Prayer Book Audio CD is now available for $10 (regularly $15), and Starck’s Prayer Book (which does contain Starck’s Motherhood Prayers for All Occasions in the back of the book) will be $15 (regularly $20).