The Brotherhood Prayer Book: Second Revised Edition (paperback)


*Free download of the Beichtspiegel
*PDF sample of the contents
*Find the accompanying music here
*Text Edition available on Kindle
*One Lutheran ABlog Review
*Adventide Review

ISBN: 978-1-934328-22-4 Category:

Paperback, 624 pp., 9″ x 6″, 2021
ISBN 978-1-934328-22-4

The Brotherhood Prayer Book is a book dedicated to the singing of the canonical prayer offices and the entire Psalter and Old Testament canticles, pointed to Gregorian tones. It includes liturgies for Matins, Lauds, Sext, Vespers, English Compline, Latin Compline, German Compline, and more, along with a full set of propers for the Liturgical Week, the Liturgical Year, and Saints’ Days.

Another highlight is the Beichtspiegel, or “confession mirror,” which is a tool used for reflection and self-examination in preparation for private confession and absolution or for the Divine Service.

This book is the 2021 black-and-white paperback version of the hardcover Second Revised Edition published in 2007. Text that appeared red in the hardcover is gray in this edition.