Tag Archives: Brotherhood Prayer Book

The Brotherhood Prayer Book: The Feast of the Holy Trinity

Listen to O Pater sancte chanted. Father most holy, merciful and tender, Jesus, our Savior, with the Father reigning, Spirit of comfort, advocate, defender, Light never waning; Trinity blessed, unity unshaken, Goodness unbounded, very God of heaven, Light of the angels, … Continue reading

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March Sale and Other News

From now through Monday, March 31, many of our books are on sale up to 20% off! And remember that larger orders of Pless’s Didache (20+ books) qualify for a bulk discount. Numerous pastors have already picked up this updated and … Continue reading

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The Eve of the Nativity of our Lord

Listen to this hymn chanted. Jesus, the Father’s only Son, Whose death for all redemption won; Before the worlds, of God most high Begotten all ineffably. The Father’s light and splendor Thou, Their endless hope to Thee that bow; Accept … Continue reading

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The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 23

“O Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver, the Desire of all nations and their Salvation : Come and save us, O Lord our God.” December 23: O Emmanuel The Magnificat *Chanted by Pr. Sean Daenzer to the Gregorian tones in The Brotherhood Prayer Book, beginning … Continue reading

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The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 22

“O King of the Nations, and their Desire, the Cornerstone who makest both one : Come and save mankind, whom thou formedst of clay.” December 22: O King of the Nations The Magnificat *Chanted by Pr. Sean Daenzer to the Gregorian … Continue reading

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The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 21

“O Dayspring, Brightness of Light Everlasting, and Sun of Righteousness : Come and enlighten them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death.” December 21: O Dayspring The Magnificat *Chanted by Pr. Sean Daenzer to the Gregorian tones in The Brotherhood Prayer … Continue reading

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The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 20

“O Key of David, and Sceptre of the house of Israel, that openest and no man shutteth, that shuttest and no man openeth : Come and bring the prisoners out of the prison-house, them that sit in darkness and the … Continue reading

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The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 19

“O Root of Jesse, which standest for an ensign of the people, at whom kings shall shut their mouths, to whom the Gentiles shall seek : Come and deliver us, and tarry not.” December 19: O Root of Jesse The Magnificat … Continue reading

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The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 18

“O Adonai, and Leader of the house of Israel, who appearedst in the bush to Moses in a flame of fire, and gavest him the Law in Sinai : Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm.” December 18: O Adonai … Continue reading

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The Brotherhood Prayer Book: O Antiphon for December 17

The O Antiphons are historic antiphons designated for the Magnificat, which is the traditional canticle for Vespers. There are seven O Antiphons, sung on the seven Vespers leading up to December 24th: December 17: O Wisdom December 18: O Adonai … Continue reading

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