Senkbeil and Hettrick endorse O Perfect Life of Love

“The monumental Passion According to St. John well underscores Bach’s reputation as ‘the fifth evangelist.’ In this Lenten guide, Chaplain Hamer helps us listen, learn, and grasp anew the depth of our Savior’s sacrificial love and life.” Dr....

NEW BOOK: O Perfect Life of Love by Brian J. Hamer

We are pleased to release our newest title: O Perfect Life of Love: Daily Lenten Meditations on J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion. Author Brian J. Hamer is a pastor of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and an active-duty Navy Chaplain. In addition to his experience...

Thy Kingdom Come: An Excerpt from Septuagesima

“The main point of the parable is that entrance into the kingdom comes by grace. The workers are rewarded for work they did not perform. This is hardly a surprise to us; in fact, we practically expect it. “G.K. Chesterton once said, ‘Do not be proud...

Excerpt for Holy Saturday

“This Jesus, who was crucified, who went as weak as a kitten to the cross, has sapped the devil of all his strength. The trickster has been tricked. He ate the fruit that hung from the tree on Calvary, tempted and beguiled like Eve in the garden. He ate, and now...