Tag Archives: Seed Grains of Prayer

Seed-Grains of Prayer: Prayer for Blessing and Prosperity in One’s Calling

“My Lord, and my God, I realize that man’s work does not depend upon his own powers nor is it in any man’s province to ordain his walks and ways. So rule and govern me at all times, by Thy … Continue reading

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Seed-Grains of Prayer: Prayer for our Pastors

“Everlasting, gracious, heavenly Father, for my pastor I pray; grant him to speak Thy word with joy, fearlessly against every error, false doctrine, and abuse; that he may declare and make plain to us the mysteries of the Gospel, and … Continue reading

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Seed Grains of Prayer: A Prayer for Good Friday

“Almighty, eternal God, Who for us hast caused Thy Son to suffer the pains of the cross, that Thou mightest put away the power of the enemy from us, grant so to observe the memory of His suffering that we … Continue reading

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Seed-Grains of Prayer: Longings for a Quiet and Peaceable Life

“Dear Lord, how miserably unreasonable it is that while the kingdoms of this world flourish and are sustained by the prayers of Thy Church, yet, at the same time, these do oppress and recklessly tread under foot Thy poor Church … Continue reading

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Seed Grains of Prayer: A Prayer for Holy Thursday

“Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast given us the joy of Thy bread to eat and Thy cup to drink in remembrance of Thy sufferings, we pray Thee, enlighten us that by true self-examination we may worthily receive that Sacrament, in … Continue reading

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Seed Grains of Prayer: Prayer for Cleansing of the Soul

“Righteous God, turn my desire and thoughts, that I may fear and serve Thee in love with all my soul. Sanctify me wholly, and turn away from me all that is not purely Thine. So sink my life in Thyself … Continue reading

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Seed-Grains of Prayer: For Grace to Pray Aright

“Merciful God, we do indeed not know what we should pray, neither how we should present our petitions unto Thee. We are by nature negligent and indifferent to pray, and our little earthly occupations do so easily keep us away … Continue reading

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Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Pastor’s Prayer

“O Lord God, Thou hast set me to be a bishop and pastor in Thy Church. Thou seest how unfitted I am to bear such great and responsible office; and had not Thy counsel hitherto sustained me, I had long … Continue reading

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Seed-Grains of Prayer: Ascension Day

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Highest, Who now no longer walkest on earth in suffering and humiliation, but sittest on the right hand of God the Father, mighty Lord over all that is in heaven and on earth; Who … Continue reading

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Seed-Grains of Prayer: Sunday Evening Prayer

“I render thanks unto Thee, O true and everlasting Light, that Thou hast this day protected me by Thy light and Spirit against every grievous sin. And now, during the night which Thou hast ordained for the rest of my … Continue reading

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