Seed-Grains of Prayer: Prayer for Saturday Evening

“Heavenly Father, I praise Thee that, by Thy grace, I have been permitted to put another week of trials behind me, and have not been cast away in my sins together with the godless. O Lord, my God, Who ordainest and changest times and seasons, change also my...

Seed Grains of Prayer: Prayer Before Daily Bible Reading

“Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast commanded to search the Scriptures and promised that in them we have the impulse of faith, and life everlasting; Who alone art worthy to open and break the sevenfold seals of this Book; open now mine eyes to behold the wonders of Thy...

Seed-Grains of Prayer: Christmas

“Almighty God, we bless Thee that Thou hast had compassion upon our miserable estate, and for us hast given Thine only begotten Son to become Man.  We beseech Thee, graciously enlighten our hearts rightly to apprehend this comfort; to enjoy the same in every...

Seed-Grains of Prayer: Saturday Evening Prayer

“In the name of Him with Whom I began this day and this now passing week, let me also end the same.  Lord God, Father of my life, save me.  Lord God, the Son, my Savior, defend me.  Lord God, the Holy Ghost, preserve me that mine eyes close not in the sleep of...