Thy Kingdom Come: An Excerpt from Ash Wednesday

“Your ashes are smeared today. There is no beauty in them. The world cannot see anything in them but an ugly smudge of dirt and death. But for those with the eyes of faith, they are in the form of a cross, that most lovely and dear of all symbols, that emblem of our...

Thy Kingdom Come: An Excerpt from Maundy Thursday

“The fruit of the tree is on the paten and in the chalice. The angel of death passes over. He has no claim upon us. We belong to God. We bear His watery name. We eat at His table. We are His people and more. We are not merely guests, sojourners in His house for...

Thy Kingdom Come: Now 20% off!

An excerpt from Septuagesima: “God isn’t like you. He doesn’t think the way you think. His ways are not your ways. And He doesn’t owe you, or anyone, anything. For reasons all His own, however, He loves and welcomes you into His kingdom—not for free, but for the...

An Excerpt from Quinquagesima Sunday

“We mourn for our sins. We have been selfish, greedy, impatient, angry, lustful, and full of pride. We have hurt ourselves and our loved ones. We have failed to serve and love our neighbors. Let us repent and set our faces toward Jerusalem. Ash Wednesday looms...

Free Shipping for Thy Kingdom Come

On the heels of  our special promotion of free shipping for select greeting cards (which goes through the end of today!), we are now offering a week of free shipping for our latest book, Thy Kingdom Come by David H. Petersen. This offer is valid from now through...