The Word Remains: Festival of the Reformation

The Word Remains: Festival of the Reformation

“The Reformation, my friends, what was it? We know what the Church looked like before it, but what was it really? Judge whether this is true. I say, it was a time when the Lord went into His temple, braided a whip of cords, and cleansed His courts. “Yes,...

The Word Remains: All Saints’ Day

“Therefore, take comfort: it is not all over for those who have fallen asleep in the Lord! They are merely sleeping. He who by His own death-sleep in the grave sanctified our graves as mere bedrooms stands even now at the deathbed, calling, ‘Come to Me,...

The Word Remains: An Excerpt for Pentecost

“What began on that first Pentecost is still ongoing and endures until the end. The same breath of eternal love from heaven still blows, even if not accompanied by visible signs. The tongues that set the world aflame still burn, even if not in visible tongues of...

The Word Remains: Now available on Kindle

The Word Remains: Selected Writings on the Church Year and the Christian Life by Wilhelm Löhe is now available on Amazon, in both paperback and Kindle eBook formats. This is especially good news for our international customers, due to Amazon’s global reach. If...