by admin | Nov 8, 2012 | Latest News
Just in time for the beginning of the church year on Advent 1, we are pleased to offer a new free download of Solid Declaration readings for major feasts and Sundays of the one-year series. Reading the Lutheran Confessions is important to both pastor and parishioner....
by admin | Nov 2, 2012 | Latest News
Since the debut of our first Christmas cards almost one year ago, we have been pleased and humbled by the fantastic response to cards which combine beautiful, unique works of art with a clear confession of our Savior’s birth. This year we are thrilled to offer...
by admin | Oct 29, 2012 | Latest News
“‘Adoremus’ is hanging in the barn. After spending seemingly endless hours painting it, hauling it to ArtPrize, babysitting it for the duration, hauling it back home and not selling it, one would think the labor of my hands was not blessed. But there...
by admin | Oct 28, 2012 | Latest News
“I render thanks unto Thee, O true and everlasting Light, that Thou hast this day protected me by Thy light and Spirit against every grievous sin. And now, during the night which Thou hast ordained for the rest of my poor body, O Lord, grant unto my weary soul...
by admin | Oct 23, 2012 | Latest News
“When did you ever do anything? Change the question. Do not be afraid. Look up and ask, ‘When did Christ do something?’ That is the question that leads to life. Don’t look to your works. Look to His. The Christ went to trial and was condemned by...