Notice of IN Sales Tax

Emmanuel Press (and its proprietors) has recently moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana.   Our customers in Indiana will now notice the addition of sales tax when placing orders online, while the sales tax requirement for Kansas customers has been removed.

Restructured Pricing for our Greeting Cards

After receiving much positive feedback and several helpful suggestions about our new liturgical greeting cards, we have decided to restructure the way we sell them online.  We will be offering each card individually (rather than in a set) to allow for greater...

Emmanuel Press Featured on Gnesio Website

The Brotherhood Prayer Book was recently featured in an article on Gnesio, an “online magazine of Lutheran theology presenting news, history, theology, and resources for Christians, pastors, and theologians, with the goal of serving the proclamation of the...

Recommended: He Remembers the Barren

When we released a reprint of Starck’s Motherhood Prayers for All Occasions back in February, we had several requests for a book which would speak specifically to women on the other end of the spectrum.   The resources available to women suffering from...