He Restores My Soul is scheduled for release in early October! In the meantime, there’s plenty to explore. Check out the full listing of authors and chapter topics here; there are links at the bottom of that page connecting you to details about the cover artist and the book cover along with interviews with each of the authors (posted on Katie Schuermann’s blog). Artist Rebecca Shewmaker and Pr. Rick Stuckwisch, who contributed a pastoral response at the end of the book, are also featured in the interviews.

Did you know that He Restores My Soul is a sequel of sorts to He Remembers the Barren? After we partnered with Schuermann to publish a revised and expanded edition of this book which gently examined barrenness, infertility, and the source of conception, reader comments led us to consider another book which would broaden the discussion of suffering to a wider variety of topics. Read more about it here. And leading up to the release, you can save 10% on both books!

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