New Download Available

There’s a new download available in the Downloads tab above: Large Catechism readings formatted as Advent and Christmas bulletin inserts. Available in black & white or color.

48-hour Sale on All Books

Didache will be arriving soon, and we need help clearing off the shelves to make room for it. From now until Friday at 10 pm EST, all books (and the BPB CD) are up to 25% off. This is your chance to buy early and save big on Christmas gifts! Check out all of our titles using the Books tab above.

While you’re here, be sure to take a look at our new Christmas cards, too. With unique artwork found only at Emmanuel Press, each of these cards is truly one-of-a-kind in its joyous confession of our Savior’s birth.










Coming Soon: Didache by John T. Pless

Cover - DidacheFrom the back cover:  The title Didache is derived from the Greek word for “teaching.” It is also borrowed from an early manual of church order, liturgy, and Christian catechesis, dating back to the late first or early second century. Even as this ancient handbook incorporated instruction in Christian doctrine with the church’s liturgical life and the life of the believer, so also Didache aims to help contemporary Christians understand the interplay between what Lutherans confess (doctrine), how we receive Christ’s gifts in the Divine Service (liturgy), and how we pray and live under the cross of Jesus Christ (vocation).

Didache seeks to instruct Christians in a basic pattern of catechesis which recognizes that doctrine is drawn from the Holy Scriptures, confessed in Luther’s Small Catechism, and expressed in the hymnal. These are the three books of the Church’s life; they should be known by individual Christians as well. Didache is designed to lead students ever deeper into these basic books. It follows the pattern of Luther’s Catechism, beginning with Back Coverrepentance (the Ten Commandments), faith (the Apostles’ Creed), and holy living (the Lord’s Prayer). After this catechetical core come the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, which constitutes Christian existence in the forgiveness of sins; Confession and Absolution, where the believer is returned to the promise of Baptism; and the Sacrament of the Altar, where we receive the benefits of Calvary—Christ’s body and blood—for the forgiveness of our sins. Lastly, the Daily Prayers and Table of Duties show us that the gifts of our Lord draw us not away from the world where we pray and live as His holy people in our various stations of life.

The Holy Scriptures are the Word of the Triune God. His words work through the Law, which exposes and condemns the sinner and leads to repentance, and through the Gospel, which announces and bestows reconciliation with God in the blood of His Son delivered by the Holy Spirit in His means of grace. The Small Catechism and the hymnal (both the liturgical orders and the hymns) are forever echoing the Holy Scriptures. Didache seeks to make this connection more explicit so that students of the Word can more fully appreciate and use all three books throughout their lives.

Rev. Michael Frese presents the proof to Prof. PlessThe first edition of Didache, published in 1992, has been used throughout the United States and around the world for adult catechesis by both pastors and laity. Many pastors have found it useful in instructing adults in the Lutheran Confession of the Christian faith, and laity have found it to be a helpful study guide into the Holy Scriptures. There are numerous Scripture references in the margins along with ample space for note-taking.

This updated and expanded edition of Didache follows the contours and content of the first edition, with liturgical references updated to reflect Lutheran Service Book. Some sections have been expanded, and there are also new additions: a bibliography of catechetical resources, an essay on the Catechism, and a Scripture Index.

Didache is currently at the printer, and we expect it to be available by the end of the month. It is reasonably priced at $12.00, with discounts for bulk orders. “Like” us on Facebook or sign up for email updates (both are located on the right sidebar) to keep up to date on its release!

New Christmas Cards are Now Available









Our new Christmas cards with artwork by Kelly Klages are now available for purchase! Illumination (left) features the style of an illuminated manuscript with its decorated initial and elaborate border. The Holy Family (right) is based on a beautiful 19th-century stained glass. The red and blue borders surrounding each image also wrap around to the back, giving these cards a wonderful richness. As with our other cards, the envelopes included are superb quality with a classic gold-foil lining.

If you send out a lot of Christmas cards or want to stock up for future years, keep in mind that we offer a bulk discount for purchases of 15+ sets of any of the Christmas cards. Email us at for details.

Meet the Artist Behind our New Christmas Cards

The Holy Family-smallThis year we collaborated with artist Kelly Klages to create two new Christmas cards with stained glass and illumination nativity scenes.

Kelly Klages is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. She earned a degree in Studio Art from Goucher College in 2003 and interned at Beaumont Pottery in Phoenix, Maryland. In 2004, Kelly married Alex Klages and moved to Winkler, Manitoba, where Alex was called to serve as pastor to two congregations in the Lutheran Church-Canada. Kelly’s work has been on display in various galleries and locations throughout southern Manitoba, including the Pembina Hills Art Gallery, the Tiger Hills Art Gallery, and the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg.

Over the years, Kelly has taken a special interest in detailed portraiture, liturgical Illumination-smallartworks, and miniature painting. Her primary medium is acrylics, but she enjoys experimenting with many forms of art and crafting. In 2011, she created a book of illustrated hymns for children called Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, using colored pencil. She maintains a blog about Lutheran art at Confessional Lutheran Ecclesiastical Art Resources (CLEAR).

Kelly Klages currently lives in Morden, Manitoba, with her husband and three children: Anastasia, Micah, and Timothy.

*These new cards will be available for purchase on our website within the two weeks. Subscribe to our email updates in the right-hand column or “Like” us on Facebook to keep updated!

September Sale: All Books up to 35% off

small cover image

With all books (and the BPB CD) up to 35% off, now is the time to add to your library or purchase a gift for a friend, family member, pastor, or seminary student. Take a look at our books using the Books tab above. The sale runs through Saturday, September 14.

Don’t know what they’d like or whether they already have it? Then consider a gift certificate from Emmanuel Press. If you order soon, there’s plenty of time for the lucky recipient to use it during our September Sale.

What we’re working on now…  We’re putting the finishing touches on two new Christmas cards and editing a revised and expanded edition of Prof. John Pless’s DIDACHE. First published in 1996, DIDACHE is, in the words of Prof. Pless, “a manual for adult catechesis using the Holy Scriptures, the Small Catechism, and the hymnal (at that time, Lutheran Worship)….I’ll bring it in sync with the Lutheran Service Book and add a few things I’ve learned from teaching Catechetics these last thirteen years at Concordia Theological Seminary.” Look for more information on these projects in the coming months!

Also, we have just a few 8″ x 10″ prints remaining from the first run of Ed Riojas’ Office of the Holy Ministry artwork. Our customers have found these to be stunning artwork for a pastor’s office as well as unique, inexpensive gifts for ordinations, installations, or other occasions.

New: Emmanuel Press Gift Certificates

Do you know someone who would love to learn Gregorian chant as found in The Brotherhood Prayer Book or the significance of liturgical worship as described in Ceremony and Celebration, The Conduct of the Service, and An Explanation of the Common Service? What about an expectant mother who would benefit from the comforting prayers of Starck’s Motherhood Prayers for All Occasions? Or someone who looks every year for Christmas cards with substance and without dancing elves?

Basically, do you know someone who would like our theological books and ecclesiastical greeting cards, but you just don’t know what to choose or whether they already own it? Consider a gift certificate from Emmanuel Press. Whether it’s a gift for a friend, family member, seminary student, or pastor, just give us the details and we’ll take care of the gift giving for you.

To purchase a gift certificate, simply email us at Please provide the amount (from $5 up to however-generous-you’re-feeling), the recipient’s name, where you’d like it sent, and any special message you’d like for us to include. We’ll email you a Paypal invoice for quick and convenient online payment and then send the gift certificate in a classic gold foil-lined envelope.

*We’ve added a convenient Gift Certificates tab above and updated the FAQ tab, too.

Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Pastor’s Prayer

“O Lord God, Thou hast set me to be a bishop and pastor in Thy Church. Thou seest how unfitted I am to bear such great and responsible office; and had not Thy counsel hitherto sustained me, I had long since brought all to ruin. Therefore, I cry unto Thee: gladly will I submit and give my lips, my tongue, and my heart unto the teaching of the people, and ever learn and occupy myself in Thy word to consider the same diligently. Use me as Thine instrument: but, dear Lord, leave me not; for were I to be left unto myself, I would quickly bring all to ruin.  Amen.”

Wilhelm Loehe, Seed-Grains of Prayer, #254.